Селекционный центр (ассоциация)
по среднерусской породе пчел медоносных

ФГБНУ «Федеральный аграрный научный центр
Северо-Востока имени Н.В. Рудницкого»

Russia 610007, Kirov, Lenin str., 166a
see on the map

(8332) 33-10-44, 33-10-03
(8332) 33-10-25 (fax)


From 28 February to 2 march 2019 will be held V International Scientific conference «Apis mellifera mellifera L. (black bee) in the strategy of the world beekeeping development» in Russia (more in the "news")       

Russian Association for Conservation Apis mellifera mellifera L.

Association for Conservation Apis mellifera mellifera L. was founded in December 2012 on the basis of North-East Regional agrarian scientific Center.

The aim of the work – the implementation of scientific and methodological, service and information support of breeding work with the black bees (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) in the territory of Russia.


  1. Carrying out of monitoring and creation of genebank of Apis mellifera mellifera L.
  2. Study of gene pool of honeybees with identification of local populations of bee colonies of Apis mellifera mellifera L. for selection, conservation and subsequent breeding.
  3. Organization of breeding farms; development of breeding plans for their work.
  4. Improvement and development of methods of artificial reproduction of high-quality breed queens. Implementation of artificial insemination based on breeding farms.
  5. Development, implementation, and popularization of effective technology of breeding and keeping of bee colonies of Apis mellifera mellifera L. adapted to environmental and climatic conditions.
  6. Dissemination of beekeepers breeding material, rendering necessary methodological and practical assistance, advocacy, introduction of technologies of use of bee colonies of Apis mellifera mellifera L. with a view to maximum realization of genetic potential of honeybees.


Russia 610007, Kirov, Lenin str., 166a

Tel. +7 (8332) 33-10-24, 33-10-03

Fax. (8332) 33-10-25

e-mail: Apis_mellifera_mellifera_L@mail.ru


Международный форум «Таежные промыслы – основа развития лесных территорий»
Апиславия 2018
Всероссийский форум пчеловодов 3-4 марта 2016
Кировская областная выставка сельскохозяйственных животных
II Международная конференция  3-4 марта 2015
Съезд пчеловодов Кировской области 27 февраля 2015

see all albums

Marks of mother bees