Селекционный центр (ассоциация)
по среднерусской породе пчел медоносных
ФГБНУ «Федеральный аграрный научный центр
Северо-Востока имени Н.В. Рудницкого»
Russian Association for Conservation
Apis mellifera mellifera L. (RACAMM)
Russia 610007, Kirov, Lenin str., 166a
see on the map
(8332) 33-10-44, 33-10-03
(8332) 33-10-25 (fax)
Brandorf A.Z., Ivoilova M.M. Methodological Guide for the selection and breeding evaluation of honey beesApis mellifera mellifera L. Kirov: NIISX Severo-Vostoka, 2015. 40 p.
It presents practical and theoretical foundations of the methodology of selection and breeding work, taking into account the features Apis mellifera mellifera L. Methodological Guide is intended for researchers, industry professionals beekeeping, qualified beekeepers, students of higher educational institutions.
Brandorf A.Z., Nepeivoda S.N., Kolbina L.M., Ivoilova M.M. The scientific basis for the development of breeding work in beekeeping Euro-North-East: monograph. Kirov: NIISX Severo-Vostoka, 2014. 112 p.
It presents practical and theoretical foundations of selection and breeding work Northeast of the European part of Russia. Monograph is intended for researchers, industry professionals beekeeping, qualified beekeepers.