Селекционный центр (ассоциация)
по среднерусской породе пчел медоносных
ФГБНУ «Федеральный аграрный научный центр
Северо-Востока имени Н.В. Рудницкого»
Russian Association for Conservation
Apis mellifera mellifera L. (RACAMM)
Russia 610007, Kirov, Lenin str., 166a
see on the map
(8332) 33-10-44, 33-10-03
(8332) 33-10-25 (fax)
Brandorf A.Z., Ivoilova M.M. Population structure of honey bees Kirov region // Biomika. 2016. - Т. 8. - № 2. -С. 73-75.
Population structure of honeybees Kirov region is diverse, 54% of bee colonies - hybrid, 12% - Apis m. mellifera. Marked by Carpatica bee colonies and Caucasica. Reducing populations of mellifera is due to the mass introductions of the southern regions of Russia. The populations of honey bees Kirov region have low winter hardiness and productivity of honey.